NEW CRI Podcasts launched on our YouTube and Spotify Channels!
Subscribe to our CRI YouTube and Spotify Channels to listen to very informative podcasts done with citrus industry specialists. Follow us on Facebook/Instagram or Linkedin to receive regular updates on these podcasts, events and more.
CRI Production, IPM & Disease Management Workshops 2024
CRI Production, IPM & Disease Management Workshops 2024 starting in May – please register for these two day workshops across six regions in South Africa. Agenda topics cover Biosecurity strategies, Citriculture and IPM and Disease Management. Register here -
Is OneSignal maybe the way?
Seems to be the way
The Grower Hub app is finished being developed!
Jip, after a month of developing, our Growers Hub is done and getting tested.
Getting ready to finalise
The app is almost complete and in final testing phase. Remember to refresh if you are a user.
We are about to test our new Growers Hub app
Whats this space!