Area Extension Manager Northern Region 4 years Citrus Extension Management. 2 years Technical Laboratory experience in the Pharmaceutical industry. 14 years Integrated pest management experience in Subtropical fruit production. 4 Years Agricultural Business...
Event & Operations Coordinator Appointed in 2016 as CRI’s event coordinator, 20 years experience in event management and public relations. QUALIFICATIONS Diploma in Marketing Management (IMM) Public Relations & Event...
National Extension Manager Total of 32 years of experience in the citrus industry: 8 years on the marketing/business side and the rest in horticultural research and in extension across comprehensive pre- and postharvest fields. QUALIFICATIONS MSc ...
CIS & GTD Intern I started working for CRI from July 2019 as a postharvest intern and later joined the CIS team from April 2021. QUALIFICATIONS MSc Agric...
Senior Researcher : Fruit & Foliar Diseases Incl CBS Experience in grapevine pathology. Four years working on citrus fruit and foliar diseases at CRI. 13 peer reviewed publications. QUALIFICATIONS PhD...
Graft Transmissible Disease Technician Molecular experience in the detection of citrus viruses, viroids and Liberibacters. Extraction and testing of insects for biosecurity. Shoot Tip Grafting (STG) and micrografting of citrus cultivars. Detection assay development...
Graft Transmissible Disease Technician 7 years of experience in citrus molecular virology. Performing disease diagnostics and technical research support in the lab. Co-authored 7 peer reviewed papers and lead author on 1 peer reviewed paper. QUALIFICATIONS BSc...
Graft Transmissible Disease Technician 29 years Graft Transmissible Disease technician.17 years Citrus Improvement Scheme: Shoot tip grafting and diagnostic services QUALIFICATIONS National Diploma ...
Postharvest Researcher Meagan studied the causal organisms and inoculum sources of olive trunk diseases and tested the efficacy of pruning wound protectants on olive trees. Her master’s degree in plant Pathology was also completed at Stellenbosch University. She...