Compendium of Postharvest Citrus Diseases – Illustrated, Keith Lesar

R205.00 inc. VAT

“Compendium of Postharvest Citrus Diseases – Illustrated” is aimed at assisting citrus producers, packers, exporters, importers and retailers to be able to better manage postharvest citrus diseases. Postharvest decay has the potential to eliminate all commercial value from a harvested crop and is an ever-present threat to the commercial value of harvested citrus fruit, especially in the export chain. There is great commercial value to be derived from all links in the citrus value chain having a good basic understanding of postharvest decay so that potential losses can be minimised.

This booklet deals with each type of decay under the headings of Description, Cause, and Control and provides valuable diagnostic colour pictures. A pre-requisite for effective management of postharvest citrus decay is the accurate identification of the pathogen. The combination of clear illustrations and a description of key diagnostic characteristics, as provided in this booklet, supports accurate identification of the type of decay observed. The information provided under the headings Cause and Control is a sound departure point for all parties in the value chain to effect better control of decay.

Keith Lesar captures and condenses a lifetime of experience in the effective management of postharvest decay in this easy to use booklet that should be an essential tool for all parties throughout the citrus production, export and retail value chain.

Vaughan Hattingh

Chief Executive Officer

Citrus Research International


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